【REST&RUN TOTTY】 Speciality Course GIFT CARD for foreign tourists【 ギフトカード 食事券 神奈川県 海老名市 】

寄附金額: 60,000

Thanks for watching. This is TOTTY, an old folk house restaurant in Ebina.
It is a restaurant where you can enjoy Italian cuisine using Ebina ingredients in a quaint old folk house.

Each gift card can be used for one person in the Specialty Course for foreign tourists.
Advance reservations are required for specialty courses for foreign tourists.
The contents of the course are as follows.

【Speciality course for foreign tourists】
Includes a full course of 7 dishes and 5 wine pairings.
The price is 15,000 yen including tax.

We offer the best dishes according to the day's procurement, such as Japanese black beef, abalone, bluefin tuna, etc.

【REST&RUN TOTTY】 Speciality Course GIFT CARD for foreign tourists【 ギフトカード 食事券 神奈川県 海老名市 】の基本スペック

寄附額 60000 カテゴリ お食事券
内容量 【内容・サイズ】

ギフトカードの 注意事項を英語表記にて記しております。ご紹介の際にご活用ください。
●Please let us know that you want to use the gift card
when you make your reservation.
●Please let us know if you are allergic or uncomfortable
with ingredients when you make a reservation.(Up to 3days in advance)
●We will offer a Speciality Course for foreign tourists
to those who bring this ticket
●This course is available by reservation at dinner time only.
Please reserve youe seat and course in advance.
●Each ticket can be used by one person
●If there are additional orders, you will be billed separately.
●We are not responsible for theft, loss, or damage of this ticket.
自治体 海老名市

【REST&RUN TOTTY】 Speciality Course GIFT CARD for foreign tourists【 ギフトカード 食事券 神奈川県 海老名市 】のサイト比較

  • ふるさとチョイス

【REST&RUN TOTTY】 Speciality Course GIFT CARD for foreign tourists【 ギフトカード 食事券 神奈川県 海老名市 】その他の情報

申込み 何度も申し込み可 発送期日(配送時期) 30営業日以内に出荷
配送対応 常温配送,別送対応 事業者名 (株)BLOCK PARTY
※ページの内容は2025年02月03日 現在の情報となり、申込期限や在庫状況によって提供を終了している場合があります。
